Directors’ Circle – Holly Moore
Holly is a woman of many talents, and one of the most collaborative people I have ever met. By day, she is the Marketing Manager for Vicinity Centre (which covers Mt P Shopping Centre, Whitsunday Plaza and Gympie Central), out of hours she manages multiple side projects and, most of all, she’s a Mum 24/7. Holly is also a big supporter of local community organisations, as if we needed even more reasons to like her!
What happens in a typical day for you?
In the morning I'll spend the first hour or so checking my emails and actioning anything that's necessary. Vicinity is a national company, so I check in with the internal loop each morning to stay in front of national content and get briefed on any updates. I then complete a centre walk with Cathy Sullivan, our Centre Manager, where we check in with retailers and address any issues that require attention (we also stop for our morning coffee along the way!).
During the day, I'll work through my to do list – including meetings and check ins with community partners, retailers, local suppliers, our regional teams and our brand group to ensure everything is on track and running to schedule.
As a career, what I enjoy most about shopping centre marketing is that marketing provides a platform to be both creative and commercial. I love that we can develop campaigns and see them come to life, as well as explore the unique connection that consumers have with our destinations. I am a huge advocate for local business and partnerships, and I see one of my greatest achievements as raising our engagement with local community partnerships – driving awareness of the brands that do not have the funds to be seen.
How do you stay motivated when challenges arise?
I really enjoy collaborating across different areas of the business to identify and understand a problem and formulate a way to address it. No day is ever the same, the retail environment is forever evolving which inspires innovation and creativity of thought. I love working in a dynamic work environment, it is the everyday being different that keeps me motivated.
What is your top productivity tip?
My work is ruled by my to do list that I categorise into A, B and C tasks. This keeps me on track with priorities, as I am notorious for being easily distracted with ideas and inspiration 😊
What is the best advice you have received recently?
Build relationships, be curious and think big!
What habits help with your life-work balance?
This is a tricky one as marketing is notorious for its unpredictable hours. Between event set up and social media monitoring, it can roll into a very long workday. I am very lucky that my girls love spending time with me at the centre when this happens. We regularly set time aside as family days where we explore our region or just relax at home by the pool. I also have a scheduled Tuesday morning hot chocolate date with the girls at a local café before school drop off, I love that they have a set time with just me to chat about their world.
Give a shout out to three local businesses, tell us why and share their website/Facebook page with us.
All my retailers at the centres I work with deserve a shout out. The afterhours work and dedication that goes into running a store, particularly from our Mum and Dad businesses, deserves recognition for their tireless effort. I can’t pick a favourite, so I will shout out the amazing community groups we partner with;
Mackay Hospital Foundation – Mackay Hospital Foundation helps make a positive impact on real issues affecting people in our community. Mount Pleasant Centre is proud to partner with them on many of our community events.
PCYC Mackay – We have worked with PCYC Mackay on several events, one of the highlights would be our centre trick or treat tours led by local police to encourage trick or treating in a safe environment. PCYC serve the entire Mackay community by providing activities and club access to all.
Australian Literacy Educators’ Association (ALEA) – ALEA is an independent professional association dedicated to literacy and English language learning across the curriculum. The Mt Pleasant Book Swap is managed by ALEA and is located behind Best & Less, opposite Centre Management. Donations are always appreciated, and can be left at the bookshelf, or with Centre Management.
What is your website/Facebook page so we can share it on?