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Digital marketing
Report card

How do you show up online for potential customers?

Can they easily find you, learn about you and do business with you?

Not sure?

All good - we've got you 😉 DigiCheck is our easy-to-follow digital marketing report card, where we do a complete review of your entire online presence and let you know what's working, what needs attention and what REALLY needs attention. It also includes personalised recommendations for any suggested fixes, so you can get everything up to scratch ASAP.


Our review includes:

   Website – is your site optimised for you, or for your audience? Can they find what they need quickly and easily? Is it clear what you can do from them, without having to click around a heap?
   SEO audit – what elements on your website are holding you back from achieving your SEO goals? What pages/links/images need to be updated, and how do you go about fixing them?
   Socials – do you have your social profiles set up to fully optimise what these platforms offer? Are you making use of all the little technical nooks and crannies that will make your page more SEO- and user-friendly?
   Online presence – how easy are you to find online? How are you presenting to your audience, before they click onto your website or socials? Are you showing up for the keywords most important to your business?

Your online presence comes down to three main components:

1. Brand alignment – are you presenting your business as best as you possibly can online, and in alignment with your brand promise?

2. Searchability (SEO) – can your ideal customers quickly and easily find you, using their preferred methods?

3. User experience (UX) – are your ideal customers able to access what they want to know about you quickly and easily once they are on your website or socials?

Whether this all sounds like gobbledegook or you’re catching our drift – if you’re interested in finding out more about DigiCheck, or want to get booked in for one ASAP, get in touch with us today.

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