Get creative with how to support local

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As a small business owner, I’m super passionate about supporting local (go figure) but I know that “supporting local” is such a broad statement. So in this episode of Marketing + Margaritas, I wanted to break down what supporting local means for me, + give you some tips on some creative ways you can do more of it.

Before I jump into my tips, I can hear you asking – “Why should we support local?”. Glad you asked! In my opinion, it…

  • Is good for the local economy

    • By supporting businesses in your region, you’re helping keep cash local instead of sending it overseas or through massive companies who do next to nothing for the place you live + work.

  • Helps keep smaller businesses alive

    • Small businesses as a whole are the nation’s biggest employers (by percentage), and they contribute so much to their local communities – so keeping them around is pretty important 😉

  • Stacks up – because small business owners are tied to the places where we live + work

    • By supporting services + businesses locally, we’re making the places we choose to live better + more awesome.


Go to your local farmers market

The food is usually cheaper, it’s better for the environment (hasn’t taken several trucks to get to you), usually tastes better + tends to last longer than store bought. Seriously, this is a win win for everyone involved!

Check out local artists for a creative gift or to spruce up your house/office/desk etc

Art is powerful – it can move us, and make us feel + look damned good while doing it. Therefore, it’s super important to make sure those talented individuals who create are able to support themselves. When you buy local artworks, you get to feel good + get a really cool/unique gift for someone (or yourself!).

If you’re in the Mackay region or surrounds, check out the Gallery Shop at Artspace + the Cedar Gallery to see some amazing pieces from artists in our region.


Support locally-owned restaurants/cafes/eateries/etc – especially when they first open

Starting a business is hard + requires a ton of upfront investment. Supporting someone when they first open gives them a better chance at sticking it out for the long term. Also, don’t be afraid to go back if you have a less-than-ideal first impression. There might be a few processes to iron out initially so be sure to give them a second chance if things aren’t 100% polished on the first go!


Use the power of social media for good

Like a business’s page + invite others to like it if you think it’s relevant! Doing this helps them increase their reach + get their message out to new people. To invite someone to like a page, go to the Facebook page, click the 3 dots underneath the like, message, + search buttons. Then click invite friends. You can then select as many friends as you want + send them an invite.

Share + comment on their content too – it means they are more likely to stay in your newsfeed (so you can see what cool stuff they’re up to), but you’re also helping them reach new peeps.


Leave reviews + testimonials

We all tend to look for reviews when searching for products or places to do business. It’s called social proofing + it’s sooo common now. This is why leaving a review for places you like is so important. Plus, if you leave a review on a business’s Google profile, it actually helps their SEO as well.


Lastly, sign up for newsletters

It’s a completely free way to show your support for a business. If you like what they do, you probs want to learn about anything new they’ve got in the works anyway, right?

Local businesses aren’t the only ones you should welcome into your inbox though – your local Chamber of Commerce is an awesome resource to learn about all things local business. From new businesses that have opened, to promoting new things being undertaken by people in your community, it’s a great way to keep up to date with what’s going on in the business space.

If you’re in the Mackay area, a link to our Chamber can be found here.

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