Directors' Circle: Adrienne Rourke, Resource Industry Network

The resource sector plays a huge part in the economic health of our region, which is why organisations like Resource Industry Network need people like Adrienne Rourke at the helm. Adrienne is not just a woman of words, she makes sure there is plenty of action to back it up – which is why we wanted to know more about what makes her tick!

What are some strategies that you would recommend for making the best use of one’s time?
Manage expectations on what is achievable; prioritise, but be flexible; and practice what you preach (I am not very good at that!).

What do you to do recharge when you’re feeling drained?
I play my Spotify ‘happy’ playlist which isn’t actually happy songs, but ones I sing loudly to!

Who is your hero and why?
I don’t have one hero, but am always astounded by the bravery and determination of everyday people who face adversity with positivity and perseverance.

What three books would you recommend that every business person read?
I’m not actually into business books, I prefer to sit down with a coffee and national weekend paper, when time permits. I think reading is such an individual thing, so it should just be what you enjoy so you continue reading. 

What do you consider the key to success?
Knowing (and being comfortable with) what success means for you!  Yes, I did get that from a business book - I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time by Laura Vanderkam.

Tell us something about yourself that is not on your LinkedIn profile?
Professional singer will never be in my profile! In grade eight, I was told to “mouth the songs” as a chorus member for the school musical because I am so bad at singing! So, don’t hang around if I am playing my music on Spotify.

Give a shout out to three local businesses.
I work for a member association so couldn’t possibly choose only three members, so to be fair and reasonable to my members I have to say our Industry Procurement Portal which profiles our members’ capabilities.

RIN did officially just become a Help-A-Mate hub, a recently launched program of Grapevine Group, a suicide awareness and prevention campaign within the Mackay region. So, a big shout out to Grapevine Group on this wonderful, lifesaving initiative!

And finally, I am Deputy Chair of Mackay Community Foundation and I fully support the foundation's tagline of ‘give where you live’. Community foundations are a fantastic concept of giving in perpetuity with your donation going on to support those in need in your local community for generations to come. 
