Feedback for greater gender diversity

Resource Industry Network is calling for members of the community, both men and women, to complete an online survey which will inform research into greater gender diversity in the science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) sector in our region.

The online survey is the first step of RIN’s Equation for Equity project, researching the issues surrounding the attraction, retention and progression of women in STEM careers.

Resource Industry Network Manager Adrienne Rourke said the survey had been developed for the local community and interested stakeholders to complete to provide their experiences and viewpoints.

“The aim of the survey is to identify the predominant barriers preventing women from holding leadership roles in our region’s engineering and heavy industrial sector as well as identifying the opportunities in attracting greater gender diversity.

“It is important that we have feedback from men of their experiences as well as women to ensure we are able to gain the whole picture. We really just want to gather as much feedback as possible to best inform us as to how tackle the core issues at the local level and make long-lasting change.”

Mrs Rourke said RIN had engaged an experienced social researcher to investigate the key issues that impact on the attraction, retention and progression of Women STEM and Leadership with the Mackay, Isaac, Whitsunday regions.

“Simon Watkins, of Miles Dolphin Consulting Group, will also survey local STEM employers, local women in STEM roles and representatives from other industries to gauge how women can be supported to enter and remain in STEM careers.

“We will also host focus groups with business leaders in the relevant sector to gain feedback based on the on-the-ground experience of these employers.”

The E4E-MIW project is supported with funding from the Australian Government’s Department of Industry, Innovation and Science.

The research gathered will support local companies and workplaces by developing a toolkit to assist them to understand the opportunities and identify what may be required to attract a more diverse workforce.

Anyone wanting further information about the Equation for Equity (E4E) project, or to register to be involved in the research study, please go to the Women in STEM section on the Resource Industry Network website, under Initiatives, and join the mailing list.

To complete the online survey go to
