Greater Whitsunday Alliance releases strategic plan for the region
Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3) has released its first strategic plan which provides detail on the economic goals and objectives the organisation will be pursuing on behalf of the region.
Greater Whitsunday Alliance Chairman Mr John Glanville, says the 2017-18 strategic plan clearly articulates the vision and mission of the organisation and outlines a pathway to achieving the goal of ‘making the Mackay-Isaac-Whitsunday Region strong for generations’.
“The plan highlights our primary objectives to advocate, collaborate, attract and drive regional economic development in the Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday region,” said Mr Glanville.
“The strategic plan is not a shopping list of projects that we want government to fund, but rather it provides the framework for the areas of priority we focus on in the coming months.
“Our role is not to be proponents for projects, but to connect the dots between business, industry, government and our community. This plan provides the platform for the identification, coordination and facilitation of regional economic development activities”.
Six key priority areas have been identified in the Greater Whitsunday Alliance strategic plan: Development, Infrastructure and Trade; Liveability; Knowledge Industries; Resources; Tourism; and Agriculture, Aquaculture and Bio Futures.
Isaac Regional Council Mayor, Chair of the Greater Whitsunday Council of Mayors and Greater Whitsunday Alliance Director Cr Anne Baker says the release of the plan is a powerful step forward for the region.
“In the few short months since Greater Whitsunday Alliance has been operational, we are already seeing the benefits of a focused regional approach,” said Cr Baker.
“We have secured regional funding to maximise the innovation industry and we are delivering collaborative, concise messages to Government about regional opportunities and issues for innovation and responding to Government on a collaborative regional basis to ensure our message is clear and concise”.
“Greater Whitsunday Alliance is creating links to encourage investment in the region and secure an equitable share of Government funding for this important region that contributes so much to the state and national economy.
“This strategic document provides a lens for everything we support, champion and pursue.”
Greater Whitsunday Alliance was established in January 2017 and is the lead organisation that drives regional opportunity to ensure our region is strong for generations.