The principles of “business wellness” (featuring Kristy Wilson)
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In this week’s episode of Marketing + Margaritas, Jade is joined by business wellness coach, Kristy Wilson. Together, they do a deep dive on business wellness + how to achieve it.
But before we get into that, what IS business wellness? The short answer, it depends. Kristy describes it as “whatever fills your cup”. Like people, every business is different + what one business needs, could be irrelevant to another.
The long answer, you need to make sure the core pillars of your business are catered to. The core pillars are: finance, people, mindfulness.
If you’re a business owner, you’re probably in it for the love of it. The financial side might not be the most important thing to you, but if you can’t pay your bills, it’s not sustainable. This pillar is all about making sure you can meet your needs + some of your wants 😉
In Kristy’s opinion, people are the lifeblood of your business. This is why, as part of her service, she doesn’t just provide advice + counselling to the business owner, but the staff as well. Making sure your team is happy + fulfilled is such a core part of business wellness!
Bear with us, but mindfulness is such an important aspect of your personal wellness (and by extension, your businesses’). Cultivating the ability to disconnect from whatever whirlwind the day has thrown at you is sooo important. It helps keep you grounded + focus on the long term, which is essential as a business owner.
Okay, so those are our pillars, but what are Kristy’s top tips for maintaining business wellness?
Outsource what you’re not an expert in.
There are certain things in business that you can’t afford to get wrong. Bookkeeping, legal, + marketing are some of the big ones. If you mess up your bookkeeping, you could be on the line for a massive ATO bill. If you don’t read the fine print on a contract, you might miss crucial details that would impact whether you sign or not. For marketing, if it’s not done well, you might struggle to attract clients + keep your business running.
These are all things that you can do yourself, but if you’re not willing to learn how to do them properly, you’ll save yourself a lot of headaches if you outsource to someone who is an expert.
Make sure you build connections.
Being an owner can be isolating. As close as you may feel to your team, there’s always going to be a bit of a line there. Everyone needs a network of people to provide advice, support + sympathise with your position. No person is an island, we all need support from time to time. There’s no shame in that!
Know your financial position.
Yes, if you’re not confident in your bookkeeping, outsource to an accountant. But, as the owner, you should always be across what’s happening with your finances. No one knows your business better than you. You might look at a list of invoices + notice that one seems higher than it should’ve been, or that something that was meant to be paid was absent. Being the owner means that it’s your neck on the line if something goes wrong. Make sure you know if there’s something wrong.
Wrap up tip
Without your health, you have nothing. Go to the GP regularly, get to the gym or go for a walk occasionally. If you can’t look after yourself, everything else will suffer (including your business). Make the time for it, you’re 100% worth it 😉